Change is as good as a holiday so they say and if you're anything like me, when you get an idea in your head you want to take action yesterday.

My quick fix change is always my hair, it is the closest thing within reach that I can do almost instantly. 

My latest hair-cation destination is the dream of chopping my hair into a fairy floss pink 'chob'. Luckily for me and my hairdresser there are 2 things holding me back.... 

The first being that all hairdressers in Melbourne metro are closed due to stage 4 restrictions and the second being I'm trying to grow these damn bangs out from my last impulsive decision during the first lockdown. Because a pink chob would not look cute with these weird chunks of hair next to my face. Period.

So if you are considering cutting your bangs please read my reasonings to why you should just politely leave your hair the fuck alone!

1. Bangs are cute for a day. I'm not even kidding, straight from the salon they look cute as fuck but then the next day, the day after, the day after that them cute ass bangs are more wild than the jungle. No matter how hard you try to recreate the stylists exact technique to tame those unruly wisps they will not surrender. 

2. If you possess any of the same incredible lazy traits that I do you will be hit with the realisation that bangs are just not for you honey. Bangs are more demanding than my two children, 3 cats, 1 dog and partner. No exaggeration here either. I am too lazy to style my hair daily infact I'm too lazy to style my hair in general and I thought having bangs would 'push' me to take a little more care with my hair. I was wrong, I should know myself better than to fall prey to that delusional thought. I wear my hair up daily and especially when exercising. Bangs don't like that at all. 

3. Bangs do not like sweat. Yeah its cute at first, your little low pony with your cute bangs framing your face as you step out in your Lorna Janes and then BAM! you start sweating during your workout because who would have thought! you're a human being and you sweat. Yes you could pin it back but it just falls out and you are left with a crink in your friendly bangs that again needs to be styled. You could also not work out as hard but I honestly think that is just ludicrous and if I'm being completely honest I'm so sweaty even when I'm not training that exercise or no exercise I just wouldn't win.

4. The perfect bang length will be lucky to last a week.... oh my goodness the upkeep! When you get it cut you don't want to get it too short,the same "it will grow back" rules don't apply like a standard haircut. Too short = primary school bowl cut trauma. Too long = so much irritation I look like I have pink eye. The perfect length needs weekly to bi weekly maintenance. Now of course if you can pull off the mini bang by all means do it because that shit looks sick sister. Just not on my head and when you have commitment issues.

So the moral of the story is....

Think twice before getting bangs if you aren't one for upkeep and are a serial hair chameleon. If you get over things easy, bangs I promise are not for you. Maybe check out clip in bangs. I wish I did.

If however you are someone tentative to their hairs styling needs, can fully commit to a hairstyle for longer than a month and are really wanting a fresh new do then by all means rock it girl. 

Although I know for a fact if I had read this before I cut my bangs, I still would have done it and still would have regretted it because when I want something nothing will stop me. 

So I guess do whatever you want, I'll start writing a post on how to hide your grown out bangs. 

The first and last day my bangs looked good.
The first and last day my bangs looked good.

Tan x 

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